Get the Look: Vintage Farmhouse Bedroom
With country decor ideas from Cottage Home Furniture, you can evoke the the easy charm of a freshly broom-swept farmhouse bedroom with a sturdy iron bed, breezy white curtains and rustic touches. Add an antique flair to any farmhouse bedroom with one of our vintage iron beds. Available in five sizes and 35 finishes, each of our iron beds offers durability and styles ranging from traditional to fanciful. With a rounded, airy frame, the Francesca Iron Bed embodies the delicacy of a bygone era and is one of our most popular farmhouse beds. Another must-have piece for the country farmhouse look is the Country Farm Harvest Bench, offering extra seating as well as an accent piece full of character for the foot of your farmhouse bed. #ironbeds #farmhousestyle #farmhousebedroom #farmhousebench https://www.cottagehomefurniture.com