Color Board: Amethyst & Green Go Bold #decoratingwithpurple #boldcolors #decoratingwithgreen

Decorating With Purple | Color Board: Amethyst & Green Go Bold #decoratingwithpurple #boldcolors #decoratingwithgreen Click on any image to learn more!

Cottage Leaf Paint Pear Paint Butter Paint Taupe Paint Willow Brushstroke Loomed Rug Meandor Orchid Fabric Nixon Lemongrass Fabric Martin Sprout Fabric Amethyst Spectrum Hooked Rug


 1. Country Classics Cottage Leaf Paint  |  2. Cottage Pear Paint  | 3. Cottage Butter Paint  |  4. Cottage Taupe Paint  |  5. Willow Brushstroke Rug 8′ x 10′ $1,745  |  6. Meandor Orchid Fabric $106/yd |  7. Nixon Lemongrass Fabric $79/yd  |  8. Martin Sprout Fabric $92/yd  |  9. Amethyst Spectrum Hooked Rug 3′ x 5′ $215

Cottage Leaf Cottage Pear Cottage Butter Cottage Taupe Willow Brushstroke Meandor Orchid Nixon Lime Martin Sprout Amethyst Spectrum

The Willow Brushstroke rug was the inspiration piece for this amethyst and green color board, and a great starting point for putting together a striking look when decorating with purple.  The rug provides such a unique color scheme, and is ideal for areas of the home where you want vibrancy and color to shine!  If it is a living or family room you are looking to redecorate, consider the dark shade of green for the major upholstery piece(s).  It is a very soft and durable fabric that will hide more than a lighter fabric, while providing an eye catching focal point that balances the intensity of the brushstroke rug.

Committing to a sprout green sofa or decorating with purple is a bold choice, but why not?  Neutral sofas may be safe and will “go” with everything, but it is invigorating to surround yourself with colors that you love!  What do you think of this color scheme?

 Brought to you by Cottage Home – specializing in cottage furniture & farmhouse tables

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