Staff Picks: Katie’s Compromise “The Master Bedroom”

Gender Neutral Master Bedroom | Staff Picks: Katie's Compromise

Deciding on the look of the master bedroom can be a tricky situation for some couples! Here’s Katie’s take: 

This serene green color package brings together our two distinct tastes of casual elegance and rustic farmhouse charm to create a gender neutral master bedroom.  It is a melody of seafoam and sage greens, with a splash of brown and black blended together perfectly in the striped rug.  The arched upholstered headboard in the soft seafoam fabric is a flawless choice that captures elegant simplicity.  It is also the most comfortable thing for sitting up in bed while nighttime reading!  The reclaimed wood floors and end tables are a great source of natural texture and character that offsets the soft feminine textiles of the bed.  And of course the chandelier is a perfect compromise – a feminine shape carved beautifully from a more masculine material.  The layers of greens and the blending of materials creates a harmonious balance for a restful, yet inspiring, space.

Brought to you by Cottage Home– specializing in cottage furniture & farmhouse tables

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